She's a Siamese If You Please

A Warm Welcome to All visitining She's a Siamese blog!

Put together by the very proud companion of the stunningly beautiful Frankenstein Ermintrude, a Tortioseshell point Oriental Siamese, born 6th April 2011. Frankie came to live with me on 10th June 2011 at 9 weeks and 2 days old. She is affectionate beyond words, and oh so mischievious! I've decided to create a blog as a place to share photographs, videos and stories of the life and times of Frankenstein! I do hope you enjoy your visit to our blog.

I'm a Siamese If You Please

Welcome to my page! I'm delighted to see you showing an interest in me.. And who could blame you? I'm gorgeous, intelligent, comical, let's face it I'm purrfection. Want to know more about me? Well ask away.

I live with six other cats, Daisy, Oscar, Homer, Madelana, William and Alma, I am the youngest but highest ranking of the cat clowder. I have a trio of human servants, they are most useful, I highly recommend them to all cats out there.

I am very fond of vegetables, yes you heard right, vegetables. Too many vegetables at once don't really agree with my carnivorous digestive tract but that doesn't stop me. I love green beans, sugar snap peas and broccoli most of all, though they leave me feeling a little green. I'm not keen on the whole hunter aspect of being a feline, I much prefer my meals brought to me cooked in a dish! My staff often buy me fresh fish and chicken, which is delicious!

My human companion talks very highly of me. Often sharing photographs and stories with other humans, she is besotted with me and I with her. She decided there should be a place where she can collect and share all the photographs, videos and stories of me and our little adventures, I could hardly refuse. She's a good listener, I talk to her a lot. I sit on her shoulder while she does the house work, makes tea and feeds the other animals. I help her with daily chores, for instance, while she's cleaning her bedroom or cleaning out the rabbit sheds, preparing and handing out their dinners etc, I chat with her, I follow her around and keep her company. We're sort of like a double act. She calls me her shadow.

Anyway that is a bit about me, I hope you enjoy your visit to my blog. My human will update it with photographs and videos over time, so please pop back once in a while. Please leave comments if you have the time, I adore being admired!

Kitty kisses,
